Friday, July 5, 2013

Jeevan Saral ATM Plan table no 165

For new Jeevan Saral please click below link

New LIC Jeevan Saral ATM Plan table no 825

Jeevan Saral ATM Plan table no 165
Jeevan Saral ATM Plan table no 165

Jeevan Saral ATM Plan table no 165 Chart
Jeevan Saral Chart

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  1. I would like to share some comments regarding the jeevan saral chart what you posted here... I don't think we will get the amount as per the chart mentioned. Can u please tell me truly we will get the amount what you mentioned in that sheet..? I discussed with one of the senior LIC agent he told that is fake chart. If I pay 4000 monthly and 250 accedental benefit, how much I will get it..?

    1. Hi,

      Please do let me know the maturity year of policy, also this plan is closed now by LIC from 1.1.3014.
